Heilbrunn Nurse Scholar Curriculum

Heilbrunn Nurse Scholar Curriculum

The Rockefeller University has been a center for excellence in the conduct and teaching of biomedical research since its founding in 1901 as The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research.

Heilbrunn Nurse Scholar Award is a stipend based year-long program that offers qualified graduate level registered nurses who demonstrate proven potential for independent research opportunity to engage in research focused activities at and with the support of The Rockefeller University(RU). Research projects may include dissertation-related research and/or other research study that will make a contribution to clinical research nursing practice and nursing research knowledge at The Rockefeller University and beyond.

Week 1

The Rockefeller website



Historical overview



Rockefeller Webcast Series Center for Clinical and Translational Science



Meet the staff


Meet your mentor

Week 2

Meet Clinical Research Nurse Facilitator, Donna Brassil, to discuss navigation needs


Meet Recruitment team

Meet Dr. Rhonda G. Kost, Clinical Research Officer to review:

- Informed consent

- Managing “difficult patients” in the research setting

- Listening to participants: the participant perception survey 

- Performance improvement in clinical research;

- What happens during IRB and ACCTS review? 

- What does the auditor do/look for?    

- Participant complaints and human subject investigations; 

- Research participant advocacy

- The clinical research safety net                                                                      



12 pm – 1 pm Weiss 301                       Seminars in Clinical Research


Meeting with mentor to discuss progress/receive support and advice


Meeting with staff to discuss progress/challenges/successes

Educational Opportunity

The Rockefeller University's Certificate in Clinical and Translational Science Program


Annual Beatrice Renfield Lecture in Research Nursing


Collaborative activities with staff


Attending of staff meetings as appropriate

Participation in navigation and IRB meetings if applicable



Seminars and lectures offered by RU